Transforming Transcription: Verbit’s Tom Livne

They say not everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur. So what does it take?

For Tom Livne, founder of transcription company Verbit, an entrepreneur must exhibit key attributes.

1) Resiliency. It's critical to be able to weather the storms of running a business. Tom learned all about resiliency by serving in the Israeli army.

2) Optimism. You can't survive entrepreneurship if you cave into pessimism and can't see a way forward.

3) Determination. Entrepreneurs must have a full-commitment, "I don't care, I will do it." attitude. You have to be somewhat obsessed with the company in order to succeed.

4) Courage. You must be brave enough to take risks and exhibit all of the attributes above, even when things get difficult.

For Tom, who founded Verbit in 2017 and transformed it into a leader in automated transcription, these are the traits that make an entrepreneur, and also a leader.

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