Ten Strategies for Better Business Decisions and Reduced Mental Exhaustion

Leading a business can be exhausting, requiring constant decision-making and a relentless drive to show up every day, even when things don't go as planned. To alleviate the mental strain associated with leadership, increasing efficiency without adding mental workload is crucial. Here, the business leaders of the Rolling Stone Culture Council share ten strategies for making better decisions while protecting mental well-being.

Jeffrey Marks of Plucky emphasizes the importance of sufficient sleep, whether it's eight hours or just four, depending on individual needs. Scheduling challenging meetings early in the day when you're fresh and making decisions before lunch can help maintain clarity and focus.

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Victoria Chynoweth highlights the significance of putting oneself first daily. She recommends journaling and exercising in the morning to ensure physical and mental well-being, making it easier to handle workday stresses.

Dan Giuliani from Volt Athletics advises taking time to remove emotions from decision-making. This approach involves considering alternatives and making measured decisions, which can reduce stress and prevent reactivity.

Darren Weiss of Verano stresses the importance of having a network of trusted allies for support and feedback. A strong personal and professional network can provide valuable insights and help avoid decision fatigue.

Sarah DaVanzo from Pierre Fabre suggests adopting a "pause before pouncing" approach, akin to regenerative braking systems in hybrid cars. Taking breaks for slow thinking is critical for making fast, well-considered decisions.

While Matthew Miller of Orlando Informer uses structured decision-making frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by urgency and importance. This helps prioritize effectively and delegate non-critical tasks, maintaining strategic focus.

Michael Klein of cannabisMD recommends using a brand's key attributes as a filter for decision-making. This framework can help assess the validity of decisions in the context of a larger strategy, reducing pressure on leaders.

The Bureau of Small Projects’ Michael Newman advises staying fit, eating well, and taking mental breaks. Short walks and deep breaths can help clear the mind and provide new perspectives on problems.

On the other hand, Kristin Marquet of Marquet Media, LLC underscores the importance of prioritizing and delegating tasks. This approach allows leaders to focus on critical decisions while empowering team members, reducing the decision-making load, and leveraging diverse perspectives.

Jed Brewer from Good Loud Media notes that while many decisions are important, few are urgent. Allowing time and space to consider important decisions deliberately can lead to better outcomes and increased confidence in those decisions.

These strategies, shared by seasoned business leaders, offer practical ways to improve decision-making while minimizing mental exhaustion. By adopting these approaches, leaders can enhance their efficiency and maintain their well-being, ultimately driving better business outcomes.