Saving the Bees Through Technology: Beewise CEO Saar Safra

When the stakes are this high, every move counts. That’s why Beewise, led by Co-Founder Saar Safra, not only focuses intently on creating the perfect plan but also quickly learning from mistakes to continuously advance forward. The company's mission takes on one of the planet’s biggest challenges: saving our bees.

Saar and his team know that success isn't about avoiding mistakes, but learning from them. By embracing the lessons of the past and pushing forward, they're not just making an impact—they’re paving the way for a more sustainable future for our planet.

Through innovative tech and unstoppable drive, Safra is mastering the art of turning past challenges into future victories. Meanwhile, Beewise is proving that profit and purpose can go hand in hand. Backed by over $100 million in funding, every dollar they earn saves 12 bees, directly protecting the global food supply that we all depend on.

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