
Nadim Sadek Sees AI as Critical to The Future of Book Promotion

Nadim Sadek, an Irish-Egyptian digital entrepreneur with a background in psychology and marketing, is gaining attention in the publishing industry for his innovative approach to book marketing using artificial intelligence (AI). In his latest book, "Shimmer, Don't Shake: How Publishing May Embrace AI," Sadek explores the potential of AI to revolutionize book promotion in an increasingly competitive market.

Sadek acknowledges that some major multinational publishers initially hesitated to embrace this transformative technology. However, during conversations with authors and publishers, he has successfully conveyed that AI can be a valuable ally in bringing their creative works to a wider audience.

His startup, Shimmr AI, recently launched a service that leverages AI to develop tailored book marketing strategies. The process begins with an analysis of the chosen title's "book DNA," which includes factors such as genre, storylines, themes, characters, and keywords. This data is then used to create targeted online promotions through platforms like social media, web ads, and keyword searches.

Sadek emphasizes the importance of providing specific information to optimize the effectiveness of AI-driven marketing efforts. For example, if the book is about football, it may be more beneficial to target the UK market, where the sport is widely known as football, rather than the US, where it is referred to as soccer.

One of the key aspects highlighted in Sadek's book is the potential for AI to breathe new life into back titles—older books that are still in print but may have been overlooked in marketing strategies. He argues that publishers should focus on monetizing these underutilized assets to increase profitability.

Sadek's vision extends beyond blockbuster authors with substantial financial resources. He believes that AI-driven marketing can be a game-changer for smaller publishers and less-known authors, leveling the playing field in a highly competitive industry.

However, Sadek also addresses the concerns surrounding the potential impact of AI on the publishing workforce. He acknowledges that as AI systems become more sophisticated, there may be disruptions in traditional editorial roles. Yet he believes that AI will evolve to understand nuanced human values, going beyond simple book structure.

While there are valid concerns about the impact on the workforce, Sadek's message is a call to adapt and embrace the transformative potential of AI in the publishing world.