America’s New Favorite Videos: Cameo’s Co-Founder & CEO Steven Galanis

In this episode, we chat with a unicorn entrepreneur who knows how to manifest just about anything. Steven Galanis, along with co-founders Martin Blencowe and Devon Townsen, created Cameo, a marketplace where fans can book personalized video shoutouts from their favorite celebrities.

The idea for these videos was discovered in 2016 when a single recording was released by NFL player Cassius Marsh, who recorded himself congratulating his friend on the birth of his son. Steven and Martin turned this idea into a business and Cameo was launched in 2017.

Earning several awards, recognitions, and fast praise, Cameo currently partners with tens of thousands of the world's top actors, athletes, and influencers to create the most authentic and personalized fan experiences in the world.

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